day 25
Happy April fool everyone! Today had a prank played on us, but luckily i didnt believe it. Anyway as the day went on, i did my FBL with the girls and lots of slacking was involved. Had a chat with one of the local guys, he told me that the education in china was really just depend on 1 piece of exam paper, while us singaporeans have exams and daily work to be counted into our exams. Although in the end we still have to take a major exam. He also told me something interesting. We usually take the surnames of our dads but if the guy gets married to the girl, (mum and dad) the child will take the surname of the mum and that is only if the mum is the only child in the family. Really glad to be in singapore, but we just love to complain about everything don't we, just coming to china made most of us much more independent in doing stuff and how we look at things. 3rd time blackout of the trip, and everyone's lives were being compromised again. Issac didnt save his report and oops his report just gone with the wind. Wonder those people bathing, how would they feel. We are really living the life of a student abroad, although our dormitory is much better than the other china kids. Had a discussion with Dr Teoh just now on the diploma+, well~to him, its just far too hard for us to digest whats in the book. Guess what? I think so too. And so i'm just going to end the post and concentrate on my reflection journal. Bonne soiree people(no photos for these few days due to blogger problem :@)
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