Tuesday, April 5, 2011

day 28 and 29

Monday blues, so true. Spent the whole day to film different scenes for tomorrow's OIE presentation. Today had a presentation for FBL though.. Got lowest in class although its an A. Better be grateful for it. Issac told me to live with it :/ Anyway moving on, the idea of doing a film for OIE presentation was really a bad idea. Spent long hours on doing the subtitles and editing. I did the editing till 6 in the morning before catching 40 winks and returning to do more editing. We did till around 2 before rushing down to do our presentation. Everyone gave it their best and presented what they can do best. Acting. Realised that pharmers really can do anything, from studying medicine to filming mini shows. Since today was the last presentation, some of us decided to loosen up and went for a game of badminton. Did not see much locals playing at the courts, how rare. When we went for a game, we realised why no one was there. The wind was so big that even serving the shuttlecock proved to be a mammoth task. grrr. In the end we succumbed to the wind and decided to stop playing. We rested for awhile before getting our dinner and soon right after that we proceeded to the LT to rehearse our dance on that puny little stage. Why won't they build a bigger stage when china have so much space to spare, goodness me. So lots of bumping and slapping each other happened on that small stage when we started dancing. Lots of adjustments have to be made, in the end everyone was dancing and feeling very happy as we are enjoying the dance~ In the end we just went back to our dorms while the BA students went for their turn on the stage. Anyway now back in the room doing OIE reflection. Will post more things tomorrow, since its the cultural exchange night


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